Thursday, August 13, 2020




1.    Performance of contract means

a.     Fulfilling all the obligations by a promise

b.    Fulfilling all the obligations by the promisor 

c.     Performing all the promises and fulfilling all the obligations by all the parties

d.    Both (a) or (b)

2.    When the parties under the contract fulfill their respective promises, the contract is said to be discharged 

a.     By breach of contract 

b.    By impossibility of performance 

c.     By agreement and novation 

d.    By performance of contract

3.    An attempted performance discharges the promisor from his liability

a.     To deliver the goods 

b.    To pay the price

c.     To pay the damages 

d.    (a) and (b)

4.    The Parties to a Contract must 

a.     Perform their respective promises 

b.    Offer to perform their respective promises

c.     Either (a) or (b)

d.    Neither (a) nor (b)

5.    The parties to a contract need not perform when the performance is

a.     Dispensed with 

b.    Excused under the provisions of any law

c.     Either (a) or (b) 

d.    Neither (a) nor (b)

6.    In case of death of the Promisor before performance, the Representatives of the Promisor are not bound when

a.     It involves the personal skill

b.    Agreement exempt the performance of promise on part of legal representative 

c.     Either (a) or (b) 

d.    Neither (a) nor (b)

7.    A promises to deliver goods to B for Rs 20,000. A dies before performance of promises 

a.     The contract becomes void 

b.    The contract becomes impossible 

c.     The contract can be enforced against A’s representatives and B is bound to pay Rs 20,000 to A;s representatives

d.    The contract is void

8.    A promises to paint a picture for B. A  dies before painting picture. Which one of the following is the correct legal position?

a.     The agreement becomes unlawful 

b.    The agreement becomes impossible 

c.     The agreement becomes voidable 

d.    The agreement is void ab initio

9.    Where the Promisor offers to perform to the Promisee, the Promisee is bound 

a.     To provide reasonable facilities for the performance 

b.    To provide unreasonable opportunity

c.     Both (a) or (b) 

d.    Neither (a) nor (b)

10.A contracts to repair B’s house. B does not show him the places that require repairs. In this case 

a.     A must request B to show the required places 

b.    A is excused from non-performance where it is so caused by B’s neglect 

c.     B can sue A for non-performance 

d.    A can sue B for non-co-operation

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