Friday, August 14, 2020



1.    Guardian shall ………….. for breach of contract by minor. 

a.     Be held liable 

b.    Not be held liable

c.     Be imprisoned 

d.    Not be questioned

2.    A minor’s guardian are not liable to Creditor for breach of contract by the minor, if the contract is for ------ 

a.     Supply of necessaries 

b.    Supply of non-necessaries 

c.     Supply of services 

d.    All of the above

3.    A entered into contract with B to deliver certain goods to B. A offered the goods to B at proper time and place, but B refused to accept the goods. In this case

a.     A does not have any right against B 

b.    A can sue B for breach of contract, but not discharged from his liability 

c.     A is discharged from his liability and can also sue B for breach of contract 

d.    B is not liable for breach of contract

4.    Which of the following is correct?

a.     Supervening impossibility never discharges a contract 

b.    Anticipatory breach of contract does not discharges the contract till the other party elects to treat the contract as discharged 

c.     Both (a) and (b)

d.    None of the above

5.    Which of the following is correct?

a.     Supervening impossibility sometimes discharges a contract 

b.    Actual breach of contract takes place before the due date of performance 

c.     Both (a) and (b)

d.    None of the above

6.    Which of the following is correct?

a.     Anticipatory breach of contract takes place after due date of performance 

b.    In case of anticipatory breach of contract, contract may be kept alive

c.     In case of actual breach of contract, the contract becomes void if the time is the essence of the contract  

d.    There is no consideration in novation of contract

7.    Where a party under a voidable contract, decides to rescind the same, the other party is 

a.     Guilty of breach of contract 

b.    Discharged from his promise

c.     Entitled for damages

d.    All of the above

8.    A contracts with B to deliver goods to B on 10th July. A fails to deliver goods on 10th July. It is said  

a.     Anticipatory Breach of contract 

b.    Actual Breach of contract 

c.     Novation of contract 

d.    Revocation of proposal

9.    Where one party to a contract fails or refuses to do his part of the promises it is called 

a.     Breach of contract 

b.    Cancelation of contract 

c.     Either (a) or (b) 

d.    Neither (a) nor (b)

10.The breach of contract means the 

a.     Performance of contract by both the parties 

b.    Failure of a party to perform his obligations 

c.     Payment of compensations due to nonperformance 

d.    Postponement of the performance of contract


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